2020. New Year. New You?

I often like the New Year as it barrels in our lives with lots of hope and excitement for what is to come…admittedly, I am not the biggest fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I guess maybe it’s the pressure to come up with them and stick to them. I do have goals though – like many people do and they don’t always happen January 1 but are a year-round effort. Then there is the “What if you are happy and don’t necessarily need a complete overhaul? Why can’t we all sit in our gratitude for our lives and say, “yes, I am ok”?”

At the beginning of the month, I saw a lot about what people did in the last decade and at first, didn’t think I had anything that significant or noteworthy…so I made this quick list.

2010 – got engaged, finished MBA

2011 – new job with big salary (Living the dream! Ha!)

2012 – got married; got laid off (yikes); started new adventures in career (recruiting and teaching)

2013 – traveled back to Spain and celebrated turning 35

2014 – moved from Chicago to Austin

2015 – adopted a dog (my very first!)

2016 – got another dog! (he was a stray and he’s our sweet little guy)

2017 – had a baby girl

2018 – survived the first year of baby girl’s life

2019 – Café con Resume saw great success! We bought a house!

Have you made a quick list? Maybe 2010-2019 was bigger than you thought!

2020 is not only a new year but also a new decade that can put a lot of pressure on people. My apologies for over-simplifying but I’m guessing we all just want more of the things that make us happy, the perfect amount of challenges to help us grow and minimal heartbreak.

In 2020, I’m expanding Café con Resume to include a new “product line” that gets me back to one of my favorite things – hearing people’s stories. I am partnering with Mac & Cheese Productions (Saya Hillman) in Chicago to bring her Life of Yes to Austin. While I will still happily review resumes and help people with job searching, I think this will be a lot of fun and a more holistic view to helping with life/career exploration and networking (even if you hate that word, wink).

If this moves you, sign up to be kept up to date (this is for those local to Austin) here: https://macncheeseproductions.com/mac-cheese-austin/ and/or follow along on Instagram (@macncheeseatx)

Even if you are not in ATX, many other cities will also be having a chapter and lots of Life of Yes action: https://macncheeseproductions.com/chapters/

I’m hoping to have a lot of fun in 2020 and meet more in my local community.  And the good news is we are welcome right where we are – no need to be a “new you”.  Happy New Year!

Geeking out! I was interviewed on the Super U Podcast with Erik Qualman

Is it easy to make a Career Transition?